Why Critical Race Theory Is Not Compatible With Catholic Education

Today, the tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion are incorporated into many aspects of life, including the educational system. At the forefront is Critical Race Theory (CRT), which is a paradigm that is in conflict with Catholic education. While private schools make up 25% of all schools in the United States, not all education curricula are equal. Let’s review CRT and why it is not compatible with Catholic education.

Basic Framework

The premise of CRT does not emphasize the focus of Catholic teachings. Its basic framework restructures and undermines proven truths, such as the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings. Instead, CRT offers a focus on the personal oppression of minority groups based on false interpretations of past traditional culture. This is incompatible with the teachings of individual responsibility and the possibility of redemption inherent in the Catholic faith.

Both parents and educators in the Catholic faith are aware of the many benefits of Catholic education. We are not happy when CRT and like-minded “woke” policies and teachings are incorporated into their children’s schools. While teachings on the evils of racism and intolerance are necessary, they should not be taught through the warped lens of CRT, but rather through the lens of orthodox Catholic social teaching.

Importance of Compassion

To circumvent the pervasive influence of CRT, parents often wisely choose a classical Catholic education for their children. Catholic social teachings urge compassion for victims, regardless of personal guilt for the sins committed. The restoration of a just system of human equality and dignity should not arbitrarily attack individuals based on their race, nationality, position of authority, affluence or lack thereof, religion, or family ties.

An education based on compassion and respect for all human beings, rather than misguided notions taught by the secular culture, is what parents can expect from a classical Catholic education when their children enter the classroom. Fostering critical thinking abilities and the molding of the full person, both academically and morally, is emphasized and encompassed within the benefits of Catholic education. Parents can rest assured that their children are immersed in virtue and wisdom through the traditional teachings of a Catholic curriculum. Learn more by contacting Regina Pacis Academy today.