As a parent trying to raise your child in a secular society, it is important to find schools that are compatible with your family's Catholic values. You want to feel comfortable sending your children to school each day and not worry about them in an environment misaligned with your values. That concern has likely made you rule out public schools - you want an educational institution that reflects your beliefs, so you will likely turn your sights to private schools.
You will find that you have a good selection to choose from, especially if you are in a suburb or a city. Overall, 25% of the schools in America are private schools. That means you can spend some time zeroing in on the overall philosophies of a school your child will be attending for much of the year.
Does the School Foster Your Family’s Values?
You would want to consider private schools that have the same focus not only on academic excellence but on modeling Christian virtue. Does the school encourage virtues like kindness and generosity? What about service in the community? These are values taught by your family’s faith and these lessons will become ingrained in your child throughout his or her education.
An emphasis on academic excellence instills a level of rigor that can help your child become a well-rounded human being during their time spent in the classroom. But knowing that your child is learning valuable virtues will make your investment even more worthwhile.
How Does the School Approach Secular Education?
This can be a bit more difficult to assess. Would you rather they took a more traditional approach to teaching the various subjects or would you prefer that they employ a more discovery-based approach? These are good questions to ask when you are touring private schools.
Whatever the case, you should stand firm in seeking an education for your child that encourages and reinforces the values that you teach your child at home. When it comes to choosing the optimal environment for your child to spend some of their most important years of learning, you want to be confident that your school of choice will serve as a positive influence and your child’s teachers will be excellent Catholic role models for your child. To learn more about Catholic education, contact Regina Pacis Academy today.